Tag Archive | Holy Spirit

21 Days to your Breakthrough Pt. #5

21 day challenge  Okay, so I’m on day 19 of my 21 day Absolutely No Complaining Challenge, and I must confess although its been a battle, I have realized several breakthroughs as well as victories. I am still working on getting that A+++, but more importantly, I am so much more aware of what is coming out of my mouth and the impact it actually has on my life. Last week I talked about fear and how it can creep up in our actions and conversation, almost undetectable. Because we have been so used to allowing speech that entertains words of fear (even in jesting), we have become desensitized to its true effects. One morning while I was in my quiet time, Holy Spirit dropped some words in my heart that helped me to become more aware of and to recognize when fear is present. Some of these words are; anxiety, worry, frustration, distress, impatience, intolerance, agitation, dread, funk and despair. A few of these words might seem obvious, but others aren’t. Think about the word impatience for example. Why are we so impatient anyway? Have you ever been barreling down the highway, trying to get to a store before the doors closed? I have, and the whole time, the same words kept playing over and over in my mind “you’re not going to make, you’re not going to make it.” (And I actually did make it!) I don’t know about you but for me that was torture. My own thoughts were tormenting me! Although they had help from the evil one, they were my thoughts just the same, and all inspired by fear. 1 John 4:18 says “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” One of the manifestations of fear is torment, and our Father intends for us to walk in peace and rest (Hebrews 4:10-11). What about despair? Could it be that because we are unsure about the outcome of something, we give into the emotion of hopelessness/fear and give up? I’m not saying that all the time these emotions are present, it is a sign of fear, but certainly they can be an indication that we are not fully and completely walking in faith.

So…this is what I’ve learned in my 21 day journey of the Absolutely No Complaining Challenge. Before I am tempted to complain, I stop and think about the reason I am complaining. Is it because of fear, pride, selfishness, anger, or bitterness? Occasionally I might have a few legitimate reasons to complain, maybe I really did get the short end of the stick, or maybe I let someone’s  problem became my problem, or maybe I ran out of gas because the person who was supposed to put gas in the tank didn’t, or whatever!!!!….I still have the commandment to walk in love. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 says it like this, Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud, never haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way. It is not irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong. It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out. If you love someone, you will be loyal to him no matter what the cost. You will always believe in him, always expect the best of him, and always stand your ground in defending him (TLB).

I don’t know about you, but I still have quite a bit of work to do….until next time!

Blessings always,


PS. If you haven’t purchased your copy of First Ladies Club, you can, just click the link! Thanks!

21 Days to Your Breaktrough Pt.# 4

21 day challenge I’m a new Grandmother! Well ‘newish’ grandma. My daughter Daria gave birth to my second grandchild, Baby Girl Blanton, (at the time of this post, she still doesn’t have a name). Now if you’ve been following my blog, you might ask what does having a new granddaughter have to do with the 21 Day Absolutely No Complaining Challenge? I’m glad you asked. Let me start at the beginning.

Yesterday, the day my granddaughter was born, I had my day all planned out. You know how it is when you have everything set up exactly the way you intend to spend your day. Well that was me, All figured out. Step by step, down to the last detail. Morning devotional, walk the dogs, do my homework, plan the menu for the upcoming baby shower, everything down to the last detail. Life was good. And I was doing great on my 21 Day Absolutely No Complaining Challenge. Sailing right along, then I got the telephone call. It was my daughter Daria informing me that I needed to come  to the hospital ASAP!

This is where things got a little dicey!

Let me first say that admittedly I like to be in control of everything and when I have to relinquish any control, historically it hasn’t been good, for me or any other parties involved, but… God is helping me. So when I was informed that I had to abandon all my plans and come immediately to the hospital, instantly my lips wanted to go into gear. My main concern was that I  had a homework assignment that had to be submitted by 11:59 pm or I would not get a passing grade. So immediately in my mind I started trying to figure out how I was going to juggle everything in my day, without missing anything. Honestly it seemed impossible. I needed to be at the hospital ASAP, but I needed to do everything on my ‘to do’ list as well. So….I shamefully I admit, I started to grumble. (I’m hanging my head in shame). It should have been one of the happiest moments in my life, but I got caught up in MY feelings, but thankfully as soon as I started complaining, Holy Spirit checked me. He asked me “didn’t you pray this morning?” Humbly I answered yes, in fact this particular morning I woke up with praying on my Spirit, so I prayed in the spirit for sometime before I even got out of my bed. So then He gently reminded me, “if you’ve already prayed, what are you worried about?” Then it hit me! The emotion that I was feeling was really fear, having to be in control of everything is a form of fear (more on that later). I was worried that I wasn’t going to be able to get everything accomplished. Fear was the culprit! And remember fear is what I’ve been talking about  in this blog. Fear is what kept the children of Israel out of their promised land, fear is what will keep us from obtaining all God has for us, and fear will get us tossed into the lake! Long story short, God hates fear.

But thanks be to God, I saw the light!!! So… instantly I just shut my mouth, did everything I could do before I left my house, and left the rest up to God. I just trusted that it would all work out. And…..it did! We made it to the  hospital, I got to love on my new grand-baby and my daughter, got back home, completed AND posted my homework before the deadline. Every task accomplished and with time to spare!

God is teaching me to trust Him more and more. Literally  every day I get a new faith lesson. I give myself a B+ on this one, the next time it will be A+++! Until next time, keep those lips on lock and keep trusting God!


Blessings always,


21 Days to Your Breaktrhough Pt#3

21 day challenge  Okay, so I’m on day7 of the 21 Day Absolutely NO Complaining Challenge, and I had a hiccup! This latest blast of snow got me. I was doing pretty good until I had to drive in it, that was my downfall. Navigating the dicey roads got my lips to flappin’ and out came the complaints. But I repented, and I’m back on the challenge. Thank God for being so forgiving. That leads me to another scripture Holy Spirit directed me to as I am undertaking this challenge. That is Revelation 21:8, it says “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” I remind you that complaining is a manifestation of unbelief and fear, this scripture says that the fearful and unbelieving will have their part in the lake…that’s a game changer. Fear and unbelief are in the same category as murderers! If that doesn’t help us put a bridle on our lips nothing will! So…keep it movin’ with less lip action!

Blessings always,


PS, for all you who are waiting for the sequel to ‘First Ladies Club’ hold on a little while longer, it’s on the way. And for those of you who are waiting for the book to be released in paperback, it should be available next month!

21 Days to your Breakthrough Pt#2

21 day challenge Can you hurt the heart of God?

Day 4 of my absolutely NO complaining challenge and I am doing great! Consciously paying attention to what is coming out of my mouth has opened my ‘spiritual’ eyes so many truths. One thing I would like to share is something Holy Spirit imparted to me during my quiet time, and that is, complaining is really a manifestation of unbelief, and unbelief really hurts the heart of God. As you recall in my last post, I mentioned the devastating affects of disbelief and the impact it had on the children of Israel not being able to enter their promised land. But it occurred to me that unbelief not only affects us, but our heavenly Father as well. Imagine how you as a parent would feel if your children, who you thought trusted you implicitly, really didn’t. Wouldn’t your feelings really be hurt? I remember when my oldest daughter Dionne went way off to Richmond Virginia for her first year of college. I was devastated! I couldn’t bear the thought of her being so far away from me, but it was her choice, I  had to let her go. During the first few weeks of her adjustment period, she needed additional funds asap! She called me and within a few hours, (and the help of some local bank employees), we were able to get her the much needed funds. Without going into all the details, she was counting on me to come through for her, and I did. She believed if she called me, she would get just what she needed. What about us? When we call on God to come through for us, do we really believe He will? Or do we still worry and go to plan B or C ? I would have been so hurt if my daughter didn’t think that I could come through for her, and that’s how our God feels when we operate in unbelief, especially when He has come through for us over and over again. Check out what Hebrews 4:1-7 says;

‘Although God’s promise still stands—his promise that all may enter his place of rest—we ought to tremble with fear because some of you may be on the verge of failing to get there after all. For this wonderful news—the message that God wants to save us—has been given to us just as it was to those who lived in the time of Moses. But it didn’t do them any good because they didn’t believe it. They didn’t mix it with faith. For only we who believe God can enter into his place of rest. He has said, “I have sworn in my anger that those who don’t believe me will never get in,” even though he has been ready and waiting for them since the world began.We know he is ready and waiting because it is written that God rested on the seventh day of creation, having finished all that he had planned to make.Even so they didn’t get in, for God finally said, “They shall never enter my rest.” Yet the promise remains and some get in—but not those who had the first chance, for they disobeyed God and failed to enter.’ TLB

The text actually says that unbelief angered God and as a result, He promised that they would never enter the promised land! Something to think about, don’t you agree?

The enemy has painted a pretty good picture that complaining is not really a big deal, just a slightly annoying habit, but God’s word clearly shows us otherwise. Until next time, watch those lips!

Blessings always,


PS, if your taking the challenge with me, share your thoughts or scriptures that help you keep a bridle on your tongue.

You Have What You Say Pt.3

big mouth Stop!!!! Hold that thought! Are you sure you want to say what you are about to say? Be advised,  you create your world with your mouth! Have you ever just said something out of frustration and then suddenly out of the blue you see what you said? It happens more often than we realize. And we really shouldn’t be surprised, after all we are created in the image and likeness of the Creator who ‘spoke’ everything we see into existence. The book of creation, Genesis, records that God said, “let there be” and it was so!

Although I have read the biblical account of creation many times, the concept of ‘creating’ with my mouth didn’t really make sense until the prospect of dealing with cancer was dropped right into my lap. And I cannot even take credit for knowing how to approach this challenge, Holy Spirit had me on auto-pilot!

Do not repeat the word cancer! As soon as my nurse-practitioner uttered the word ‘cancer’, Holy Spirit immediately told me not to repeat the word, and I’m glad I didn’t. In the few short weeks since this all started, I’ve come to understand the power of creating with my words. Like I said, we are created in the image of our Father, He created with the spoken word, and so do we, good or bad, we create with our mouth.  Jesus said, in John 6:63 “the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” Strong’s concordance describes the word spirit in many ways including; life giving spirit, wind, and breath, so words are not just empty things floating through the air, they are life! Let me give you an example of just how powerful words are.  Holy Spirit prompted me to look up my name Terri, there are two spellings of my name, one female and male, one ends in ‘i’ and one in ‘y’. In both instances, the attributes associated with my name describe me perfectly! Now there have been centuries of Terri’s, I’m not the first one, and it’s amazing that the attributes connected with my name fit me perfectly, or should I say, I fit the name perfectly! Every attributed ascribed to the name Terri is evident in my life, my personality lined up with what I am called.

Cancer is a name and has definite qualities, none of which are desirable. This is the definition from the National Cancer Institute; “ Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. Cancer is not just one disease but many diseases. There are more than 100 different types of cancer.” Now I am sure no one in their right mind would want this horrible disease, but how many times have we heard people receive and claim this condition?

Cancer, a head cold, stomach ache their all alike, just like packages sent in the mail. We can sign and accept them, or we can return to sender, it’s our choice. I’ll talk more on this in Pt.4

Blessings always,
