You Have What You Say Pt.3

big mouth Stop!!!! Hold that thought! Are you sure you want to say what you are about to say? Be advised,  you create your world with your mouth! Have you ever just said something out of frustration and then suddenly out of the blue you see what you said? It happens more often than we realize. And we really shouldn’t be surprised, after all we are created in the image and likeness of the Creator who ‘spoke’ everything we see into existence. The book of creation, Genesis, records that God said, “let there be” and it was so!

Although I have read the biblical account of creation many times, the concept of ‘creating’ with my mouth didn’t really make sense until the prospect of dealing with cancer was dropped right into my lap. And I cannot even take credit for knowing how to approach this challenge, Holy Spirit had me on auto-pilot!

Do not repeat the word cancer! As soon as my nurse-practitioner uttered the word ‘cancer’, Holy Spirit immediately told me not to repeat the word, and I’m glad I didn’t. In the few short weeks since this all started, I’ve come to understand the power of creating with my words. Like I said, we are created in the image of our Father, He created with the spoken word, and so do we, good or bad, we create with our mouth.  Jesus said, in John 6:63 “the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life.” Strong’s concordance describes the word spirit in many ways including; life giving spirit, wind, and breath, so words are not just empty things floating through the air, they are life! Let me give you an example of just how powerful words are.  Holy Spirit prompted me to look up my name Terri, there are two spellings of my name, one female and male, one ends in ‘i’ and one in ‘y’. In both instances, the attributes associated with my name describe me perfectly! Now there have been centuries of Terri’s, I’m not the first one, and it’s amazing that the attributes connected with my name fit me perfectly, or should I say, I fit the name perfectly! Every attributed ascribed to the name Terri is evident in my life, my personality lined up with what I am called.

Cancer is a name and has definite qualities, none of which are desirable. This is the definition from the National Cancer Institute; “ Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. Cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph systems. Cancer is not just one disease but many diseases. There are more than 100 different types of cancer.” Now I am sure no one in their right mind would want this horrible disease, but how many times have we heard people receive and claim this condition?

Cancer, a head cold, stomach ache their all alike, just like packages sent in the mail. We can sign and accept them, or we can return to sender, it’s our choice. I’ll talk more on this in Pt.4

Blessings always,


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